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March 23, 2020


To Our Clients:

The health and well-being of our staff, clients, colleagues and their families is of the utmost concern to us. We have been monitoring the recommendations of the federal and state government regarding appropriate responses to the threat of the COVID-19 virus and the steps that we can take to minimize its impact on our community.

We have been proactively addressing this issue by encouraging our staff to use common sense hygiene practices that minimize the risk of contracting and spreading the virus. We have further directed our staff who may be feeling ill, or have a member of their household who is sick, to stay home. Two weeks ago, we began limiting in-person meetings, keeping our office open to our staff only.

Over the past few years we have invested significantly in technology and processes that allow our staff to work from remote locations when necessary, while maintaining the confidentiality and security of information that you expect, and that we demand. Additionally, these systems allow us to communicate and work with clients through numerous secure technology resources.

Over the past week we have taken steps in anticipation of a government order to temporarily close our office. These steps will allow us to continue serving our clients while abiding by the directives of a
government shut-down of all non-essential businesses. During a shut-down we will continue to process individual income tax returns and serve our wealth management clients. We will continue to serve our business, not-for-profit, and governmental clients who depend on us for outsourced accounting services. With all that is happening in the world, you should have no doubt that we are still working hard for you and doing everything we can to make your life better.


If our office is temporarily closed, our staff will contact you with processes for providing information to us. As we complete projects on your behalf we will call you with procedures for delivery.

If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to call to us at 507-452-3100. Our phones will
continue to be answered. You can also email us at

This situation is temporary and with each of us doing our part we will get through it.

Stay strong. Stay healthy. Stay safe.


If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to reach out to us by telephone at 507-452-3100 or email.

Building excellence by providing the best

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Personal Finance

Income Tax Planning & Preparation

Accounting Services

Business Finance

Audit & Review

Business & Strategic Planning

Business Valuation

Accounting Systems

Litigation Support

Wealth Managment

Investment Management

Philanthropic Services


Your Most Trusted Advisors

Times have changed during our more than 50 years in business, but our values have not. We’ve earned our clients’ trust through hard work, knowledge, reliability, and confidentiality. We’ll earn your trust that way too.


Our dedication to excellence and our creative approach may be the reasons we are the largest independent agency in our area, but we like to think it’s because we treat our clients the way we’d like to be treated — friendly and professionally.



111 Riverfront, Suite 401 P.O. Box 330

Winona Minnesota 55987

Call Us: (507) 452-3100

Fax Us: (507) 452-3141


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